Of course I want to use those terms correctly, even if they are obsolete! You really scratch my itch with those photo micrographs. I loved optical mineralogy and miss spending hours looking thru a scope -- but I'm sure my neck and shoulders can't take the strain anymore.
I wish I had more thin sections to play with, and a real petrographic scope instead of two pieces of polarizing film, but that's not on the plate financially!
I've still got my thin sections from Square Butte near Geraldine, where I did my Masters. Shonkinite and syenite, and probably one or two of the sodalite syenite at the top. ♥️
I apologize if I used words that implied to you that all andesites are intrusive; of course they are not. Your suggestion that all andesites are extrusive is incorrect. If you need definitions of dike and sill, Wikipedia is a good place to start.
Of course I want to use those terms correctly, even if they are obsolete! You really scratch my itch with those photo micrographs. I loved optical mineralogy and miss spending hours looking thru a scope -- but I'm sure my neck and shoulders can't take the strain anymore.
I wish I had more thin sections to play with, and a real petrographic scope instead of two pieces of polarizing film, but that's not on the plate financially!
I've still got my thin sections from Square Butte near Geraldine, where I did my Masters. Shonkinite and syenite, and probably one or two of the sodalite syenite at the top. ♥️
Demonstrate that andesite is an igneous intrusive rock. I’ll wait.
If you've never seen an intrusive andesite, you haven't seen many rocks. And I'm also being charitable.
Demonstrate that andesite is an igneous intrusive rock. I’ll wait.
I apologize if I used words that implied to you that all andesites are intrusive; of course they are not. Your suggestion that all andesites are extrusive is incorrect. If you need definitions of dike and sill, Wikipedia is a good place to start.