Interesting. In the early 1980's I was an exploration geologist with the Anaconda Minerals Company conducting a reevaluation of Anaconda mine properties for "by passed" mineral potential (gold-silver mostly). I did a lot of work on the Mayflower Mine, and eventually Anaconda did some drilling to see if there was still enough potential ore present to consider re-opening the workings. I believe that an attempt was made to open the old mine (perhaps in the late 1980s/early 1990's), although I thing that Anaconda was directly involved.

The geologic setting, on the north end of the Tobacco Root Mountains is one of the most interesting areas ever worked. Nice to see that it also has some very rare minerals.

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I'm a little prejudiced since I spent 17 summers (one as a student, 16 in some teaching capacity) with the Indiana course in the northern Tobacco Roots --- but I think the diversity there was the main reason they established the field station back in 1949.

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The last sentence in para 1 should read "...although I don't believe ..."

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